Five Nights at Sawdie's: Individual Part Series
11 months ago

Hello FNAF fans!!! How has it been huh?!?!?!! Anyways, "Five Nights at Sawdie's" was one of my 1st & EVER FNAF Fan-Made game that I'd created on & it's been awhile since I've been ever creating this future series here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And since July of 2021, I haven't been creating this franchise ever since then...... However, since around on July 5th, 2021 (or roughly around on July 25th, 2021 for that matter), it has already nearly been like THREE YEARS now since Five Nights at Sawdie's had dropped on Scratch and today's like almost its own 4th Anniversary Year Event and I decided to not only just keep this old GameJolt Game Page here, but also renamed it to as "Five Nights at Sawdie's: The Quartet Series" and it'll have not just the 1st Five Nights at Sawdie's game of course......................

It'll ALSO contain the other TWO games as well!!! Like "Five Nights as Sawdie's 2: A New Generation" (No PUN indended by the way.........), and "Five Nights at Sawdie's 3: Mextonio's Revenge for a Living" as well (YES!!! That's kind of a mouth-full right there.........)

(Here's the REAL/OFFICIAL Link to the OFFICIAL Five Nights at Sawdie's Studio from Hopefully, it works..........!!!!!!!


Here's also a list (or even known as the REAL/OFFICIAL Links) of all of the Official Future Parody-like Games for the MAIN Five Nights at Sawdie's/FNatSaw's Series:

FNatSaw's Game #1 - Five Nights at Sawdie's (The 1ST Alpha) - Originally Created on: July 5th, 2021

FNatSaw's Game #2 - Five Nights at Sawdie's (The 2ND Alpha) - Originally Created on: July 25th, 2021

FNatSaw's Game #3 - Five Nights at Sawdie's 2: A New Generation - Originally Created on: July 25th, 2021 (ALSO!!)

FNatSaw's Game #4 - Five Nights at Sawdie's 3: Mextonio's Revenge for a Living - Originally Created on: July 25th, 2021 (AGAIN!! ALSO!!!!!)

So, like only ONE and 1st FNatSaw's game was released from ONE DAY and the other THREE WERE ALL released from ONE DAY at the same exact time!!!! Huh?! How strange...... Also, don't let those FOUR games fool you guys....... the 1st and 2nd FNatSaw's games were just TWO versions of their own Alphas and whatnot. By the way, don't let the Quartet-ness fool you guys.........

..........Ummmmmmm?...................They'll be also a 4th and ACTUAL/OFFICIAL FNatSaw's game coming out very sooner or later!!!! Just stay tuned for updates okay?!?!?!! And of course, not only that Sawdie (my very 1st and EVER fan-made/parody-like Animatronic that I'd ever made) is going to make FUTURE appearances inside of the line-ups of the Five Nights at Jax Justun's Game series, but she'll also might have a few brand new upgrades as well!!! Oh, and by the way, the word "Quartet" means another meaning for the number "4/Four" you guys!!! Just letting you all know that.......

So, just stay tuned for many future updates to come you guys!!! Anyways, have a nice and safe afternoon everybody!!!! #WelcomeToSawdiesWorld!!! #FiveNightsatSawdies!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!



Next up

#ArcaneGX!!!!!! #ArcaneGXTips!!!!! #ArcaneGXPrep!!!!! Created back on October 23rd, 2022, (or beyond that) I'd officially made this little fan-made-like art disc thingy thing here!!! And I called/named it as Teaser/Easter Egg #1!!!!! Looks great right????

HT Band Member Parody Bio Poster #5 (For Crystal The Octoling) - Created on: December 15th, 2024 WOW!!!! What a chaotic day this was folks!!!! Good thing it wasn't all that bad!!!! But anyways, here's something from Napature Science!!!!

2019 Parody Character #14 - Mr. Stappular (Created on: February 5th, 2024) This right here's none other then "Mr. Naustcer Starr"!!!! Wait a minute??? This is robotic-like Samurai Pig that we're talking here??? How's he a star??? OH!!!!! Too soon?????

#Joltober 2024 has come to an end so we wanted to show off some of the art posted by your fellow Jolters.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's challenge!

(Check the article to links to the original posts so you can give 'em a like!)

2024 Recordatus DDS Parody Character #10 - Mr. Stopwatcher (Created on: December 17th, 2024) It's has been 12 whole months now here in 2024, and today here on #Dec17th2024, I've created the/my official #2300thGameJolt here on GameJolt!!!!

While I'm chilling from game dev, gonna show the endo that was made by @Mortuus

Till next time when I return to working on the projects!

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Character #34 - Bethawney Hetheneey Crystal Ender Dragon (BHCED) - Crystal Dragon What in the world Draxx Dustun Studios and NarchGraites Pictures??? You're already given/sharing/showing us your next #DDSparodyCameoMascot already????


be prepared

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Characters #32 & #33 - Douche "D" & Honey Mustard - Both From Sausage Party Afternoon morning people, December 18th, 2024 was/is today, and Draxx Dustun Studios has their official #23ndAnd33rdPCCs to look at here!!!!!!!