4 years ago

Hello folks!! For this Memorial day, I have a news article that was talking about a restaurant that was changing overtime!! #Enjoy!!

The History of how "Wandy's Funeral Memorial Museum" (W.F.M.M) Inc. had came to be!!!

Local MC News


Chapter 1: Introduction!!!

We all love stories!! Don't we? Sometimes stories can be a bit cheerful or funny. And sometimes it can be soooo heartbreaking!! As we come to see how 2021 is getting better as we speak of today, there was one place that had changed overtime!!! It is a place that was a restaurant, but now a restaurant that is a funeral!!! On this Memorial day, we must tell a story that was so dark, it is not pretty.

Chapter 2: The Saddest Fate of Wandbear's Family Diner

Back in July 9th, 1911, a diner/restaurant named "Wandbear's Family Diner" was born!!! It first started construction on 12/24/1889, and done building on 04/12/1901. And then it had opens its doors back in of course July 9th, 1911. This place was founded from "Kite Enderson"!! Born on 11/11/1322. But then passed away on September 20th, 1911. A few months after "Wandbear's Family Diner" had opened its doors.

But things were still going strong!!! Kite Enderson's daughter named "Lattlin Enderson" decided to keep the place in order. After Kite Enderson (her father) died from a car accident. No one knows what happened from that, but we'll never know.

But then, on October 11th, 1911, something strange had happened. A dead body was discovered in a dumpster behind "Wandbear's Family Diner", the animatronic itself named "Wandbear" was saying things that he was not supposed to say when programing him, and two more dead bodies were found as well!!! One dead body was found behind Wandbear's stage which was exactly how Wandbear was saying bad things or bad words, the other one was of course founded in a dumpster behind the building, and the third one was founded inside of the pizza making machine. #GROSS!!! And as for the animatronic itself, it was having a nervous breakdown!!!

As for now, Lattlin Enderson had to close "Wandbear's Family Diner" for safety reasonings and for maintenance. If the place ever opens its doors again was sadly unknown. but the CEO (also known as Lattlin's boyfriend) named "Lix Overrite" said he'd refuse to planning it and to selling the brand. Which means he doesn't want to have anyone to get hurt from any circumstances!!

Chapter 3: BACK IN BUSINESS!! (Umm? Sort of?)

After Lattlin Enderson's death from having a horrible brain fart/anxiety problem. Recently the CEO "Lix Overrite" which he was now an owner of the place, and the NEW-ish owner (also known as Lix's new girlfriend named) "Emily Lunbranch" had reopened "Wandbear's Family Diner" for a test run back on November 1st, 1911, and as of now, it is back to continuing the possibilities to give joyful entertainment from ages 1-199!! "YEAH!! THAT'S SUPER OLD"!! And as for Wandbear itself, he was now better than before!!

As for the news had said on paper: "U can't have fun sooner or later at Wandbear's Family Diner! Come join Wandbear and his new friends Klatey Cow and Hollie the White Bird as we adventure on our new journeies of life and death about how our place had came to be!!" Yeah!! That quote speaks for itself!!! But sadly, it had NOT last very long!!

Chapter 4: YES!! Of course if didn't last for long!! OF COURSE!!!

Back on New Year's Day, a huge compliment from a 15 year old boy had got into an accident from one of the animatronics!! One of the new robots named "Hollie the White Bird" was biting of the fingers on the boy's right hand. So much that the boy had to go to the hospital and replace his right hand with a robotic one!! And as for Hollie one of the new robots, Emily and Lix's choice of making a break with sharp teeth made from actual teeth from a raptor wasn't such as a good idea they had said on TV!! The beak for Hollie was replaced with a new one that was made out of the things that are made for a REAL robot bird!!! Hollie's new beak was now a beak that had no real raptor teeth at all!

Wandbear did not mind for that. But after all of that, on 02/02/1912 Klatey Cow's mouth was also replace due to kids from ages 5-9 from strangling on her jaw!! AGAIN!!! Klatey's mouth was again replaced as well. As for Klatey Cow, he didn't mind at all. And then in 02/04/1912 the kids ages 13-15 were kept swinging into the glass so much on those swings from "Wandbear's Swing Land of Fun" so much it broke!! The glass was replaced as well!!! And then on 03/12/1912 the owners Lix and Emily were testing the speakers of how high they can get from making good music. No clue what that means. The volume was so high, it broke not only the glass but also the parking lot as well!! The glass was replaced once again, and the parking lot was replace as well. And finally on July 14th 1913, another dead body was found! But it was now underground where/when the parking lot was being re-constructing. The unknown dead person must had been under there when he was fixing the pipes from that accident from those speakers!! And yes, back then the speakers was replaced as well. And since there was another dead body, the place had to shut down again!!

This place had shut down like two times already. First back in October 11th, 1911, and the second being on July 15th, 1912!!

Chapter 5: Making New Things for Wandbear AKA: Wandy!!

After both Lix and Emily's death from both having a stroke even after the place had shut down back in 07/15/1912, things were not going smoothly with Wandbear!! After his friends "Klatey Cow" and "Hollie the White Bird" had died from a horrible fire when construction was being made, Wandbear had no more place at all to make any money!! But then new owners had came to the scene!!

It was now January 22nd, 1961, and the two new owners named "Nox Tittle" and "Cloxy Tittle" had decided to bought Wandbear's old place!! The Tittle Brothers decided to change the name of Wandbear's place called "Wandbear's Family Diner" to "Wandy's Wonderful Land"!! With new robot friends for Wandbear AKA: "WANDY" named:

Fuzzy Fox {MALE}

Karen The Computer {FEMALE}

Mozzie The Oustrich {MALE}

Dredison Yack {MALE}

Chef Pestrami {MALE}

and Tina Fermer {The Fairy "FEMALE" }

Wandbear had love his new friends and his new name!! Wandbear decided to call him "Wandy Wessal"!!! Wandy's Wonderful Land had some problems though. Wandy's old friends "Klatey Cow" and "Hollie the White Bird" were being stored in the parts and service room right next to the bathrooms!! Rumor has it that those old robots can come inside the bathrooms and the place stink!! And it is not the only rumor in this place! They're other rumors about this place!!

In 02/22/1961 Chef Pestrami had killed 120 teens from using a real life knife!! Which he is not programed to do at all!!

Then in 02/27/1961 Fuzzy Fox was saying things to kids that he is not supposed to say!! Like "Go F!$#%K yourself", or "MY GOD! YOU SUCK!", or "Do you two want to F%^&k with each other?", or the worst one "MMMMM! Want to F$^*&K you hot stuff"!!!

Then on 03/23/1961, Tina Fermer was using not only her wings but also his heels was weapons to attack the customers!! And on 04/13/1961, Karen The Computer was not even moving at all!! Well? She does move but in Green Light Red Light form!!

And on 05/30 or 31/1961, the rest of the robots including Wandy weren't functioning at all!! Sometimes they swear up a storm, they sometimes attack people when the people are fighting around them, they sometimes, throw up automatically, they sometimes, go outside to the mall and have fun, and they sometimes get into trouble with The Tittle Brothers!!

And then on June 13th, 1961, "Wandy's Wonderful Land" had closes its doors again for a third time!! Due to a fire also known as a "Hell Fire" that was caused from a strange figure that had hated on this restaurant since 1911!!

The Tittle Brothers had both sadly died on June 13th, 1961 from the horrible fire!!! And yes!! Once again, it did not last to for a long time!! Until May 20th, 1987, when two new owners named "Jack Crost" and "Jessie Humbleburg" decided to bring back Wandy from the dead!! And on October 29th, 1987, "Wandy's Wonderful Land" was back in action!! Wandy was back once again with his returning friends from depths of the underworld!! And their names were:

Wandy Wessal {Male}

Fuzzy Fox {MALE}

Karen The Computer {FEMALE}

Mozzie The Oustrich {MALE}

Dredison Yack {MALE}

Chef Pestrami {MALE}

and Tina Fermer {The Fairy "FEMALE" }

Ollie the White Bird {Female}

and Klatey Cow {Male}

With some new ones as well like:

The Singing Monkeys

  1. Gled {MALE}

  2. Gettleson {MALE}

  3. Lattlen Enderson {FEMALE} (Name after one of the original owners)

  4. Clock {MALE}

  5. Hilvson {Male}

Lego Whale {Male}

Mighty the Bat {Male}

Kledddisssoon the Hippo {Male}

Jordan Forest {The Red Fairy "FEMALE"}

King Lionton {Male}

King Tigergrasont {Male}

Drixy the Eel {Female}

Fireman Sammy {FEMALE}

and Zappfire {Male}

Yep!! Zappfire was one of Wandy's old friends!! More on that later on!! Anyways, again on October 29th, 1987, everything at Wandy's was going super well!! Jack and Jessie were having fun telling jokes and also telling the backstories about Wandy and his friends!! And that is why Wandy's Wonderful Land was about dark history!!

As for the newer robots, things are a bit different for them. All of them had different personalities!! Drixy the Eel has her place about things from the sea, Lego Whale's place in based on making things out of legos, both the lion and the tiger king's place are based on medieval times, and Fireman Sammy's place is based on being safe!! Which was reference from that fire that had happened from Wandy's.

As for the returning robots, they're all back to what they need to be what on....well? U know what I mean.

But sadly, once again things aren't going so well in "Wandy's Wonderful Land"!! On 11/11/1987, a grease fire was created from two teenage boys when they were learning how to cook french fries for kids to eat!! Then on 11/19/1987, King Lionton was not using his sword properly. Instead he uses it for killing people!! He hurted like lots of teens!! Two teens were both stab together in the head, 19 teens were stab from the feet, one 12 year old boy had got stab from the right knee, three 13 year old girls were all sliced in half, and more than 200 adults were killed from King Lionton!! Some teens and adults had died, and some had survived!!

Then on 12/25/1987, a massive snow storm had destroyed most of the restaurant!! Buried most of robots with them!!! A few days later and Zappfire had help Wandy and the rest of people to fix the place again!! But sadly, some robots had died from the snow storm!!!!!

Drixy the Eel died all frozen up, King Lionton was smashed from his tower the kind tiger included, and Fireman Sammy had died from getting wrecked from falling debree!!

Recently Jack, Jessie, and Zappfire had decided to close Wandy's doors the fourth time on December 30th, 1987! A few days or weeks after the snow storm!! And just for that the people decided to make gravestones for 4 or 5 robots that they'd lost from the snowstorm!!

Chapter 6: Welcome to: "Wandy's Wonderland"

It was now 06/23/1990, and Zappfire is trying his best to find new owners to re-fix Wandy's place!! Since both Jack and Jessie had both died from a skydiving accident, Zappfire is all left alone. Until 01/28/1991, with only one new owner name "Mara Billton"!! She'd decided to bring back Wandy's place once again!!

But when construction was being built again, Zappfire told Mara about the past events about Wandy's place!! Mara Billton told him that now that invincibility was finally created for people from not dying all the time, Mara Billton wanted to use it on not only Zappfire and Wandy but also all the other robots as well!!!!

Then on many years on construction, back on 10/19/1996, "Wandy's Wonderful Land" which was now renamed to "Wandy's Wonderland" was back in the house!! But unfortunately, three new robots were brought to the restaurant named:

Bobby Doug {Male}

Parker the Doctor {Female}

and Killey Wessal {Male}

Amd those robots weren't that wonderful at all!!! Bobby Doug, Parker, and Killey had some bad history with each other in "Wandy's Wonderland"!!

In 10/12/1997, Bobby Doug was like moving all over the place. Then in 11/23/1997, Parker was just not saying the right what she's supposed to say.

Then in 09/11/2001, Killey was just killing people left and right!!

Then in 10/02/2004, the robots themselves but Zappfire were all writing all on the walls!!

Then in 04/14/2005, a flood had started due to some bad pollutants from the pipes themselves

Then around when the Nintendo DS was first introduce, Wandy was just acting like an idiot sometimes!! Mara and Zappfire also discovered that the robots can move on their own sometimes before opening times. Like for example going to the mall, having fun at the beach and etc.

Then around in 01/10/2008, many news reports were about people being missing. Then in 02/23/2009, another grease fire was made but from the french fry machine itself!!

Then in 05/12/2010, the robots keep roaring so much!! And so much they had to stay in their parts and service room for some repairs!!

Then in 10/31/2011, it had said on the news that Wandy was the blamed for everything he did from making his place getting worse and worst!!! Then around May 14th, 2012, more news reports were talking about rumors about Killey Wessal {Wandy's brother} was the robot that had caused all of pasts terrible events had happened!! But we'll never know what Wandy had said to the world!!

Chapter 7: These events needs to stop! NOW!!!

Many more had pasted, and things aren't going so well as well all hoped for "Wandy's Wonderland". On 12/12/2013 another fire had happened from some other building right next Wandy's!!

Then on 06/04/2013, Wandy and the other robots were having a party. But with beer!! They all drank so much of it, they all have to recovered since then!!

Then around in the years of 2014, 2015, and 2016, things were just just getting worst for the company!!

And as for this Wandy's Wonderland had closes its doors once again on 12/25/2016!!!

YEP!! Wandy and his friends can't catch a break!!!

Chapter 8: The Return of Wandy's Wonderland!!!

YEP!!! Back in 03/14/2017, Mara Billton and her boyfriend {The New Owner} named "Flade Clemmington" had decided to reopened Wandy's Wonderland one more time!!!

As far as we can all tell, Wandy's old gang had sadly rot over the years!! And that's why all of them were acting up in the first place!!!

And once again Wandy's restaurant's name had to change like one more time!! Which we all know today!!! Welcome to: "Wandy's Funeral Memorial Museum"!!!

The home of the history about Wandy's past!!! And as for Zappfire he decided to to create his own restaurant of his own!! Which that'll be saved for another time!!

Anyways, in 2018 after construction was finished back in 2017 , Wandy had some new and some better friends as before!! And don't worry his old friends will be remembered!! As for his new friends, his friends are:

of course Wandy Wessal "himself" {MALE}

Jolly the Alligator {MALE}

Hara Siren {FEMALE}

Mightey Knight {MALE}

Gluss Gorilla {Male}

Hozzy Ostrich {Male}

Kattleen Chameleon {FEMALE}

Echo the Gecko {MALE}

Deeno the Turtle {MALE}

Dentan Giraffe {MALE} :Sadly Out Of Order:

Killey Wessal {Male}

Parker the Doctor {Female}

Bobby Doug {Male}

C.L.O.B the Robot {FEMALE}

and Whichtrapp {???????}

Both the years 2019 and 2020 were a bit harsh at first!!! But around in 2021 things are now better than before!! On 05/30/2021 we want to live ourselves nice and strong!! In our new company called "W.F.M.M. Inc."!!! And as for now, we'll have to wait and see what will happen to Wandy and his new and old friends!! And like we said, we'll never know!!


Hello people!! It is me @NanGameJolt23 !! Hope you love my thing!! This might be the longest stuff that I'd write ever!! Anyways, be safe and let's make 2021 the BEST YEAR EVER!! #LOVEUALL!! Good night!!



Next up

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