After nearly like a few years by now, Jax Justun Studios, Minecraftia, and Jerrassic Clorku Inc., has given all of us sneak peeks at the brand new and original OC parody characters that were all never seen from before and/or even just in a very long time now!!!! And of course, 209 years later, they were all brought back from the dead!!!! So, here they are with their very own and personal specific numbers, names, and many more!!!!!!
List of all Original, OC, and brand new Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios:
PC #77 - Antri-Roxxie
PC #78 - Antri-Blaizze
PC #79 - Mr. The Dealer "Originally a Parody Cameo Characters of JJS"
PC #85 - Growjectioness
PC #86 - Llamma Spript
PC #89 - Punchable Muchaba
PC #90 - Lord High School
It appears that "These Nights at Jax Justun's 3: Adopted Corrupted" has been given a lot more future updates then we thought it would here!!!!! Just like seven original and OC parody characters just alone here from Jax Justun Studios!!!! They'll be all ready for action as soon as their redesigns are being made and everything!!!! For now folks, stay tuned for some more future updates!!!! Stay safe and have a wonderful summer!!!!! #AdoptedCorrupted!!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!!!!!