I didn't quit, I need break due to my studies.

Reason why I am not active as of recently is because of this month being really hard for me, constant pressure of studies, because of what we call in Slovakia "monitors", I have to learn a lot of Math and Slovak and since the school I've chosen is with talents, I have to practice a lot of still life art, for which is time limit of one hour. I am just nervous and under constant pressure as of lately

Don't worry, it'll be over by April and I'll finally have time to post

Another thing is to train for floorball competition, which takes place in our school. Since I need to be in top shape, I have to train a lot as of recently, because of it. Maybe I'll post some concept art (before text added, due to privacy) of posters of it, I am making.

Best regards


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Next up


Thanks @ninesoulssea for suggesting the background! I appreciate it a lot

Finished Gackpo and Gumi today and here are all three together

This was so fun to make in notes app (I was wheezing on it, while making it, sorry Kakyoin)


Drew Hatsune Miku on black canvas (I experimented with it, it was my first time drawing on such)

I drew this on Monday, but forgot to post it

"It's what's on the inside that counts"

-Douglas Feavel

@BOXZEE keith painting hehehehe + 2 keith doodles

probably lore inaccurate

🎨: Krita

It was Otomachi Una

I kinda ruined it with the outline imo

A lot of work

I must do it until tomorrow

Wish me luck


Can anyone guess who I am drawing

Hint: it is a female VOCALOID