So information about this meme, this was made using the software Medibangpro and it took about 4 hours to make. I felt so inspired and motivated to do this that i camed to the conclusion to make my own squid game meme using my two main characters.
So a short brief, Vice known as player 777 (number given in the series) is a man who got submitted to child games along with other strange people and during the season we see there's violence and murder on it. After winning and some years later, gets genderbend and changed completetly cleaning he's name to FV (Female Vice obv).
Those who wish to remake this meme with my characters or use it for whatever reason feel free to do so!! I really appreciate others sharing and making their own artstyle. The only condition is to tag me so others can know their creator and also i will support every fanart its made. KEEP IN MIND THIS IS IF U WANT TO DO IT, i do not force or insist cause i wasn't raised like that.
Do you want to make your own before and after squid game meme?? Well my good sir is your lucky day!! here you go the template you need to do so. Have a great and blessed day. Vice signing out.