==Technical work==
I've been mainly focusing on rewriting many parts of the codebase to make it cleaner to read, easier to bug fix, and much more polished overall.
But the thing is, these rewrites obviously take a while, and there's still a few bugs I need to fix here & there.
==Why no new screenshots?==
Well, mainly because I haven't designed the actual map yet, i've been focusing on adding everything I need to make the map, and I will make the map last, since the map is one of the easier parts. The hard part is making the logic for all of the objects inside & used in the map and making the Neighbor AI itself.
==The Neighbor AI==
What I plan to do is make it so the Neighbor won't know exactly where you are at all times, instead he'll only know your last seen location, and if he doesn't see you again at this point, he'll try & track you down using his AIPerception, the thing is, this will be complex to add to the existing AI system, so what I plan to do is rewrite the Neighbor's AI (I would have to do this anyway, since it's very clunky & cluttered) to be much cleaner and more easy to add parts to, and I'll add this system along the way.
==Demo Release Date???==
Not yet. But these rewrites will put us much closer to the demo, which will be called "v0.1.0", also, the Demo will contain a bunch of content, and so I'll take a while, but I promise you, it will be worth the wait.
Thanks for sticking around & Supporting me throughout development. Once I'm close to v0.1.0 releasing, I'll post a bunch of info about the demo and also what it will contain, and trust me, it will be worth the wait.