5 years ago
Hello, I am new but who doesn't like Golden Freddy. Put who you like in comments.
Next up
Who is excited for FNAF + ?
Looking really good!
Currently streaming on my Youtube Channel if anyone wants to watch!
Rat Race Production Update
This is Part One of my "The Freddy Files" Let's Play!
If you want to watch the rest of it you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlE-LJ_DDfioZ600sHljfLQ5U…
My channel: https://www.youtube.com/@jackogaming121
This a Short Clip of my Let's Play on Playtime with Percy!
The game is amazing!
Foxy has spent to much time searching for his booty.
Now he is rusty. Poor old Foxy.
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