The first thing we would like to talk about is Discordtale's birthday! ...We actually missed this and we would like to apologize. The birthday was on the 17th. This means the AU is now 5 years old! Most of this was before we got a hold of the AU and managed to make it what it is today, but that doesn't mean it wasn't the Discordtale we all know and love!
Onto the second part of this devlog... New music! Yes, 6 NEW tracks for you all to listen to in all its glory! Check them out!
As you probably have noticed, there are some new faces in these tracks. They will be showing up in the next demo.
Third thing for you all... New sprites! We decided to look back to the sprites in the last demo and decided they were not as quality as we wished they were... so we changed them!
Here's a peek at some of the new sprites.
There isn't all great news though... Up until recently we weren't able to make much of any progress on the new demo because we wanted to switch game engines. We recently have went back on this decision and we will be sticking with that we had before. The sewers will be getting some changes to improve on some aspects though.
That is all we have for you today, we hope you will like what we have in store!