So... I was busy with an exam, was kind of heavy. In short, the exam was to make a videogame of your like using Unity in 1 or 2 months. And I decided to go "full power", making a really extensive work. I am really satisfied with the results. Maybe later I can share a video of this game
I didn't work on C.H.A.S.E.D. in that time. But don't worry, that'll not delay the release or something. It's like 95% finished, the only things I need to do is finish the Extras, and replace some placeholders sounds.
C.H.A.S.E.D. features Extras, Collectibles, A Shop of Game Modifiers, Endless Mode , and a Secret Mode.
Sneak peak of a WIP of The Shop :

The game will have 3 difficulties to select. The Demo difficulty was Casual ( easiest one ). That's why I was concerned about if it was hard or not, the Demo was supossed to be easy. Casual pretends to be the difficulty that requires no effort at all and only the scares and spooks is what matters.
C.H.A.S.E.D. will feature a Prologue and the 5 Nights you have to survive. Night 1 is tutorial like, Night 2 adds a new enemy and visual and gamplay changes to the House ( level ), the Night 3 is totally different, is a surprise, and Night 4 & 5 will introduce another House, with a new mechanic.
Sneak peak of the Second House :

Originally the game was going to have a interlude in between every night, a "Day Level" where you had to investigate or follow objectives, but didn't make it because I thought to not complicate myself.
The Demo that will feature in the Steam Game Festival will have some tweaks and fixes, and the difficulty rebalance.
I'll try to stay active these days, post more and keeping updated and alive the game. Hope you and everyone is okay during this world-changer pandemic.