As you all seen before, I had given the first ever Smiling Critter its own NICKNAME. And it's the purple cat, which IT is the MAIN Antagonist of Chapter Three of Poppy Playtime!! ITS name was "Jrieck" and he was also known as also "Experiment #1188"!! ITS NICKNAME was release on November 6th, 2023!!
Then two days later on November 8th, 2023, a GameJolt User called @OnePieceForever , better known as "Mini-Sanji" has given me a PERFECT NICKNAME for the second Smiling Critter!! And it was the White Unicorn. And it's a MALE!! And the nickname that Mini-Sanji had gave HIM was "Mitchell"!! And it is a PERFECT NICKNAME!!! Mini-Sanji had also named it as also as "Experiment #2996". But as for me for now, I would rather use ACTUAL nicknames instead of the Experiment Numbers because I don't want to get confused or just from anything else in general.
Anyways, then today on November 9th, 2023, a day later, as for myself, after I'd release my Day of The Dead Holiday themed FNatJJ's future game, I had decided to named the third Smiling Critter. And it was the Orange Dog!! He's a MALE also, and I'd NICKNAMED him as "Bonney"!! Like the bones for dogs to eat and play with. It's a simple and sweet nickname, and it was worth it!!
But now, it is your turn!!! The next Smiling Critter to be NICKNAMED will be SC#4 - The Green Bunny!! All of you guys have only FOUR answers to choose from in the POLL Below!! Here are the NICKNAME Options for SC#4 - The Green Bunny!! Will it be......
Joewa-Inna-Dark (AKA: JID)
Greeney Gumdrops
And "Glowey"
Vote Below or leave your suggestions in the COMMENTS below as well!! But vote fast my friends!! You guys got only like 3 Days, 20 Hours, and 10 Mins. until the voting done!! And not only that, Chapter Three of Poppy Playtime is ALMOST HERE!! So, think fast!! Well guys, the next Smiling Critter of Playtime Co. that'll be NICKNAMED is SC#5 - The Red Bear. And it is a FEMALE!! But I repeat, DON'T NICKNAME the RED BEAR YET!! You must wait until tomorrow or the next day to do so alright?
Thanks for your time!! And what's the time?! IT IS PLAYTIME!! #LOL!!! Anyways, have fun voting and be safe you Poppy Playtime Fans!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!! Also, shout outs to @OnePieceForever AKA "Mini-Sanji" for the name suggestion for the White Unicorn!!! Anyways, be safe you guys!! #PoppyPlaytime!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!