Hey people I don't feel like making this post long or something The Six Nights at Rayan's series is gone yes it's GONE My account is abandoned and Gone I quit the game devlopment I thought being a dev was a good idea because or working on games I didn't even foucesd on my life because of working on the Five Nights at Rayan's seriesThe saga maybe or maybe would take from someone else although I would like to thank everyone who supported me in 2022-2024 my legacy has ended from now on




Next up

Currently Remaking Don't Kill Me Iam Aftoned Again because the other one was just a recode

ClickGame Gameplay (Read article)


Originally meant to be Remastered version of my oc but it was bad so I've pretty much scrapped it before I was TransGender

Patch 1.1.4

NightMare Sonic but Hanwil Blocksmith

Merry Christmas!

Origins of Jeremy Clarkson