Hey everyone!
Sadly this is not a game update but more of an update in general!
I have added a teammate onto the project and we have updated our name. From now on we are CoCl2 (for the names of the duo who run these productions). Also I guess a teensie update on the game is that the title has been changed, but I have yet to make new graphics for it etc so look forward to that soon!
Another news update, we have begun pre-production on a Jacksepticeye game! Look forward to jumping into the not so distant future with our favorite Irish YouTuber in the next game on our list. That’s all I’m going to say about it for now until we get more work done on it.
There are small things being done for this game here, such as story tweeks and title card tweeks, also hopefully some aesthetic changes to the way the game looks in relation to title cards, character art (marks ever changing hair colors for one) and possibly an epilogue!
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