Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures in A New Parody Era Saga in: Glassive Peregrinationes Sights of Draxx Dustun Studios
3 months ago

Hello there GameJolt people, we here at Draxx Dustun Studios and NarchGraites Picutures want to say that we're both sorry that we've been rushing from the past few hours here on the eighth day of #DecemberOf2024!!!!!

Since 2024's about to end pretty sooner then later, we've all wanted to finish off our third series line-ups and everything!!!!! Sadly, because of that, our eyes are all in pain right now, and we'd kind of wasted all of our time from doing those small and short posts here on this amazing website here!!!! Wait, website???? What we meant say was.......Look, we're sorry, I guess that rushing-ness had also effected our heads and brains as well too!!!! Maybe, that was why Jax Justun Studios and Minecraftia Studios had to take the rest of the month off in the first place!!!! So yeah, it looks like we need to recover and recharge as well too from all of that rush uploading and everything folks!!!!!

Thankfully though, both Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science (and including Berrassic PW (Park World) Entertainment as well too) will be taking over our place after a few days or less until we here at both Draxx Dustun Studios and NarchGraites Picutures will be all fully recharged up and ready to NOT RUSH again!!!! Anyways folks, have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend and see you all next time!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!! #WelcomeToDraxxDustunStudios!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!



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It's time to #ExploreTheOutskirts while using #MyKnightlingMask and everything!!!!! Wait a minute here???? I mean, there's a mask on that cape, but, it looks familiar here???? YEP!!!!

Draxx Dustun Studios Parody Game Header #3 - (Created on: Feb, 16th, 2025) I know there were a few lacks of future updates for today/tonight here, but Draxx Dustun Studios has created one more of course!!!! And it's the official.......

2024 DDS Parody Character #2 - X PlumberGuy (Created on: May 4th, 2024) We had invited you all on our next chapter/episode here on the official parody-like series of this special DDS parody broadcast!!!!!

DDS Parody Cameo Depiction #1 (For Mr. Puzzles) - Created on: February 18th, 2025 Draxx Dustun Studios (plus HHS and JJS) wanted to say that they're sorry for the lack of future parody updates for tonight/today here on February 18th, 2025!!!! Wait?!?!?!!?

Well guys, here's #InayahWishlist!!!!! Here's Inayah: Life After Gods on Wishlist from this screenshot here!!!! From my computer!!!!

DDS Parody Depiction #5 (For Mr. Frilmlock) - Created on: February 22nd, 2025 Today's now Feb. 22nd, 2025, and Draxx Dustun Studios have once again found another official parody depiction for another official #DDSparodyMascot!!!!!!!

Draxx Dustun Studios Parody Game Header #4 - (Created on: February 22nd, 2025) Would Draxx Dustun Studios ever gonna give up on their future parody updates???? Umm??? Guess so, I guess!!!!

DDS Parody Cameo Depiction #2 (For Kinito The Axolotl) - Created on: February 20th, 2025 Morning-noon everybody!!!! First off, it is now February 20th, 2025, a day after #Feb19th2025!!!!!!

DDS Parody Depiction #4 (For Bistal Crall) - Created on: February 16th, 2025 Good lord Draxx Dustun Studios!!!! That's the fourth #DDSparodyDepiction this week here on this month, on the sixteenth day here on #FebOf2025!!!!!

DDS Parody Depiction #3 (For Slimme-Flurr) - Created on: February 15th, 2025 Draxx Dustun Studios has found their official and #3rdDDSparodyDepiction here on February 15th, 2025, and it's for "Slimme-Flurr"!!!!