2 months ago

Hello! Today i'll show you a concept idea of the story for this game!

Chp1: Tails - Hill zone & hide and seek act1

-Tails gets a call from Sonic about someone doing a no mercy route in Green Hill. Then when Tails sees Sonic in Green Hill, he teleports you to Angel island Hide & seek, which is on fire. Tails runs aways & hides in some place, but (Exe name) finds him and Tails dies.

Chp2: Knuckles - Angel Island & Flying battery

-Knuckles is exploring Angel Island as part of his duty. After exploring a bit, the Island is on fire, so he goes to Flying battery zone, where he meets Sonic(?). They try to search a way to exstiguish the fire, but... Sonic tricks him and Knuckles falls to the trash compactor from Sonic mania & gets crushed by it.

Chp3: Eggman - Base & ment (it's a pun)

-Eggman saw what happened to Knuckles, so he's gonna hide in his base-ment and send his robots to defend his base. When he's checking on the cameras, he finds out they're all broken, then all of sudden, (Exe name) is behind him. And Eggman dies too...

I apologize if this concept seems dark, hope you like it anyway.



Next up

Official Disbelief Papyrus phase 1 gameplay.

It was fun playing it. Sadly, I can't beat phase 2 so there will be no recording of it :(

Don't Forget Connected gaming. I miss the times where the game wasn't subjected to DDOS attacks.

Today, Hometown was back to life once again.. I really enjoyed this.

FT. @Asriel_Goat_Boy @LL83 @GalaxyTheMoosicCat

Mysterytale Online PVP footage. This PVP is really fun to play! Sorry for the low quality

Featuring @VariousTimes .

Dunno if anyone's interested but here's what's the outfit supposed to look like for 'Casual outfit Elasmo'.

Post of the full pixel art :…

"You feel an unknown presence watching you"

Today I parteciped in a small Chara party, I didn't stay long but it was fun being there!

Concept idea of the ending from the previous post

Hi, guys @WiskitePC added me as an easter egg in his game!

Well, thanks @Elasmo for finding me! And a really big thanks to @WiskitePC for adding me 😊

I'm at the left side 🙀

I like this 😊

Stay Tuned 😉

Fun fact: If you press the 'Q' key at the round object, a small dialogue appears!