Chp1: Tails - Hill zone & hide and seek act1
-Tails gets a call from Sonic about someone doing a no mercy route in Green Hill. Then when Tails sees Sonic in Green Hill, he teleports you to Angel island Hide & seek, which is on fire. Tails runs aways & hides in some place, but (Exe name) finds him and Tails dies.
Chp2: Knuckles - Angel Island & Flying battery
-Knuckles is exploring Angel Island as part of his duty. After exploring a bit, the Island is on fire, so he goes to Flying battery zone, where he meets Sonic(?). They try to search a way to exstiguish the fire, but... Sonic tricks him and Knuckles falls to the trash compactor from Sonic mania & gets crushed by it.
Chp3: Eggman - Base & ment (it's a pun)
-Eggman saw what happened to Knuckles, so he's gonna hide in his base-ment and send his robots to defend his base. When he's checking on the cameras, he finds out they're all broken, then all of sudden, (Exe name) is behind him. And Eggman dies too...
I apologize if this concept seems dark, hope you like it anyway.