Five Nights with Froggy: Help awaiting

2 months ago

🌆 Help awaiting - 1.0.3 hotfix


- Now Issy goes away 1.5 times faster from running;

- A new, extremely unique menu style for the "True King" achievement;

- Now you need 15 random night winstreak instead of 25 to get the "Random king" achievement. I apologize if you have already received this achievement for 25 wins;

- Hellish night is harder now;

- The language selection menu is now scrollable;

- The Authors menu has been slightly updated.


- Fixed a bug with missing Emil phrases when watching one of the endings from menu.


- Теперь Исси прогоняется в 1.5 раза быстрее;

- Новый, крайне уникальный стиль меню за достижение "Истинный Король";

- Теперь для получения достижения "Случайный король" нужно 15 побед подряд, а не 25. Приношу свои извинения, если вы уже получили это достижение за 25 побед;

- Адская ночь усложнена;

- Теперь меню выбора языка прокручивается;

- Слегка дополнено меню "Авторы".


- Исправлен баг с отсутствием фраз Эмиля при пересмотре одной из концовок.



Next up

I don't remember her in that theater... Я не помню её в том театре...

✨ DrawRunner: Classic

For last few years the idea of DrawRunner has changed a lot, and it won't be coming soon... That's why i'm starting to make DrawRunner: Classic right now!

[April Fools!] Five Nights with Froggy: Help awaiting 3

Five Nights with Froggy — Coming to Steam

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🎼Five Nights with Froggy - Help awaiting OST

Listen and download:

🛸Yandex Disk -

💠Google Drive -…

Survey about GKProduction

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🗒️ Discord Rich Presence on PC, as well as fixing a bug with a skip when watching the ending in 1.0.4!

🗒️ Discord Rich Presence на ПК, а также исправление бага с пропуском при пересмотре концовки в 1.0.4!

🔦 Five Nights with Froggy: Help awaiting will come out on December 30th, 17:00 UTC!

Results of the January 2025

🔦Five Nights with Froggy: Help awaiting is out!

After a year of development, this has finally happened! The game is now available to download on Windows and Android