What am I working on ?
I'm currently working on an Open World game ( something like GTA ) in GDevelop 5, The reason its the biggest project out there is because its the ONLY 3D OF ITS KIND TO BE MADE WITH GD5
Images :

I m still a student...So i don't get enough time for game dev,
I need experienced devs who can help me out with this
Setting of the game :
2020s, Miami inspired city.
Story :
Mainly about gansgters
Combat system :
I want to make the best possible combat system for my game

Vehicles :
Player would be able to drive vehicles like cars, bikes and boats.
Weapons :
From meele to most complex weapons
More info about the game here : https://youtube.com/channel/UCIk4i-sqjXy6lXwQQCmo3LA