Hi everyone! As we already announced, we’ll soon start a private testing where you will be able to check out the game and help us improve it. We’ve spent the last week getting in touch with Kickstarter backers (since they have been supporting the project for a long time) and we are now opening the form to the rest of community. However, we need to keep things pretty small as the game is still in development. We’ll only have 35 non-backer spots for this testing.
Keep in mind that this isn’t a demo or an “early access”. It’s about helping us shape the final form of the game. If you’ve been following the project for a while don’t be discouraged if you aren’t chosen as a tester, we appreciate your support and you’ll be able to play it either way once it’s out and more polished.
Signing up for the testing doesn’t mean you’ll receive a key right away. The form will be open until March 24th and it’ll take us another week to go through every submission and get in touch with everybody. The testing itself is scheduled to start around April 15th, though there will be more announcements about this once we’re closer to that date.

Having a steam account and joining our Discord server are the two main requirements to fill the form. We’re also looking for people that want to use this chance to start writing content for our wiki (managed by Gamepedia), but that’s not a requisite for being a tester.
Our target is players that don’t mind trying out something that isn’t finished yet and that are willing to give feedback and discuss the state of the game with us. We’ll have surveys, but we also want to interact with the community. We are really excited about this and we can’t wait to start sharing things with you. We feel having your input will be great during this final stage. We also understand that many players won’t want to get involved and just wait until the game is finished.
Here’s the form! Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions. We still have to figure out a couple of details in the following weeks.
We’ll have a new update in two weeks. While that happens, you’re invited to our Discord server, just in case you feel like coming around and saying hi.