(Canned) ♾️Reconjoined Memories♾️ (Non-Profit)

4 months ago

-{Help Wanted}-


  • Coder 0/1 - Character AI and Movement - I can code Anything except for a Working FNaF Fan-Game... well. one where each Camera is a sprite Sprite/Object. (Scratch/Turbowarp)

  • Coder 0/1 - Custom Night Screen - Self Explanatory

  • Artist - Logo - Self Explanatory

  • Modeler 1/2 - Recreations - I'll give you a list of characters to recreate, bases on your skills. (Blender 2.79)

  • Modeler 1/3 - Environment - Self Explanatory... Again. (Blender 2.79)

  • Animator 1/5 - Jumpscare Animator - Self Explanatory... yet again

  • Voice Actor ?/? - Voices for the Unvoiced - Self Explanatory

Contact me on Here or on Discord.




Next up


(Lockjaw Retexture)

He's here due to Oblitis Caba


Laptop Internet Connection is as a all time low, I want to work on the Loadin' Screen!



TLO: TEOD Q&A! (Ended)

For @cs888901 .

I was there, when I heard him next to Dexter one last time, from last night. The news really sadden me. #FlyHighDexter

I’ll miss Dexter too. We all will.

I’m sorry for your loss Will,

Small Update:

Retextured some Characters.


new year new me!1!1!

my sona has been revamped as a cat-shark hybrid

(art by @TerryRelix )

He would listen to Satori Maiden