Hello there again my fellow followers and readers!
I would like to think that every developer/programmer or designer runs into a bump when working on any projects, I have ran into one my self lately while working on my first HTML5 game, I dared to update my software and compilers and doing so my game got deleted with the back ups even.
Honestly with the result of updating my compiler I didnt want to work on this game at all, it’s quite depresseing to see your work go to the toilet BUT… thanks to all of you and your feedback plus support I was moved and decided to start from scratch, yes from zero, that means evene the graphics and sounds etc etc.
I’m here yet again writing this to let you guys know that I’m all caught up, and this new update of this game will contain power ups and even cheatcodes that will allow you to change bullets, skins and more fun features because the point of this game is to be comic yet with a serious gameplay.
Thank you all again for the support, for more quick updates follow me on twitter: twitter.com/6nahual6 or the game official twitter account: twitter.com/invasionovni