2 days ago

Here are some of HH stuff that I made and either color or used bucket on ibis x paint



Next up

CG5, another great music artist and having his own moving coming next week

His red suit is a reference to his music video, Monday morning

So, I have made V2 of these two

Frisk (female) and Kris (Male)

Which version you like V1 or V2

Now I know I said I'm on break, but....

I found my old Minecraft novel that I used to read, I think I have the second one somewhere....

Oh well

remastered an old art of Akumu and Hunter on a date


I have an updated version of one of the aw shucks lyrics

Bobble headsssss

Arthur Morgan once said....


I'm afraid....

(That's my final one, going on break)

Done, I made two versions one with the grey Jacket and the other is the black jacket

William wolf and Willow wolf - @Player092023

@Victoree - herself

If you are wondering why I put al....

Al is my short nickname for alfred

Ah yes, my undertale platinum, that one was very easy yet genocide was hard to do but I still beat it