5 years ago

Here is a new fanfic I'm working on! The title is Five Nights at Freddy's: Into the game. This is only a teaser chapter to see if everyone likes it and wants me to continue! Enjoy and please leave a comment if u guys want me to start the first chapter!

Teaser Chapter:

In the FNAF 3 office, three animatronics appeared in the office as puppet looked at freddy and mangle.

"Ok freddy and mangle. Here we are in fnaf 3. Now we only need to get pass this game and we can continue. Hopefully we can find the other member of our group and get out of the game."

Mangle agreed as she stood next to puppet and then walked towards the door.

"Since we are here we might find another animatronic to help us! We need all the help we can get if we want to defeat glitch trap and leave the game too."

Freddy looked around as he noticed the vent next to them leading deeper in.

"Hey puppet! Can i go in the vents like toy bonnie in fnaf 2?"

Puppet sighed as she shook her head and looked at freddy.

"No freddy! You are too fat to get in the vents! Mangle and I would have a hard time getting u out without breaking the vent and possibly the game!"

Mangle started to laugh imagining freddy stuck in the vents and he couldn't get out. Freddy and mangle started to argue with each other as puppet rubbed her temples in frustration. A plush spring trap peeked around the computer monitor as he tapped puppet's arm as she looked down.

"Oh hello little one. You are too cute!"

The plush spring trap waved as he looked at puppet.

"Thanks! My name is springtrap! Welcome to FNAF 3! I heard from the other plushies that u guys would be coming. Hopefully u guys can defeat glitch trap and save us all! There was an animatronic following me but he lost sight of me coming to meet u guys. We need to find him in order for him to help u."

Puppet looked at the plush spring trap confused as mangle picked him up and hugged him.

"Aww he is so cute! Who is the animatronic to help us?"

Freddy thought about it but couldn't place the memory as mangle looked at the window behind the monitor and pointed.

"Guys! We have company!"

Puppet and freddy looked to where mangle pointed as they saw a animatronic that looked like the plushie. Puppet knew his name as she looked around then back at the animatronic.

"Of course! I forgot that it would be him! Hello Springtrap!"

Springtrap looked at the group through the glass as he was confused and shocked at the same time.

"What are you three doing here!?"

To Be Continued.................



Next up

Hi guys! I want to mention some of my best friends! If I don’t mention u I’m sorry! I will add more later!

I found this on the internet! It's so cute!

I would do this for all my friends and family! Repost if u feel the same!

Idk if I will regret this....but be nice guys ok?

Hey guys! I was looking on the internet again and I found this picture I loved! It's me giving life to the children's souls and they are holding their plushies!

I found this cute picture of foxy on the internet and I couldn’t help it! He’s so cute as a plushie!

I love this pic of me with the children's souls! They are always so sweet and cute!

Hey guys! I’m reposting this cause I love all my followers! This post is for all my followers! I hope to gain more followers! Thanks again! Love all u guys!

I love this picture I found on the internet! It's so cute!

This I thought was cute! I found it on the internet! Me drawn as a cat!