1 year ago

here is a random reddit type ahh story

so in fifth grade, i got sexually harassed by some kid. he always found ways to creep up behind me and do stuff with his pickle and put it near my butt, always thrusting against it somehow. one time he grabbed onto my sack and he just said “oh, that feels nice, daddy” and he walked away as if everything was fine. after that he kept on doing stuff like that and he said stuff like, “gimme that banana” or “i want that coconut milk” until one day i cried when he did something like this and he just laughed. i told him to f off, now i dont swear, but that’s when i realized if someone is being a piece of crap, tell em to f off. that day i learned that i am asexual.



Next up

i love this image with my broken heart

you guys should join my discord https://discord.gg/T7fmcsJkv7

me rn after getting waked up to go to school

I'm sharing an oldie but a goodie :)


ULTRAKILL - 0-3 P-RANKED "i play this game too much."

This really is cute. Not at all like the last cake I made for the halloween fireside.

after four months of development, AnUntitledShooterGame is finally out in open beta! go try it out! thank you all for an amazing ride in development, let’s keep it up!

My son got a 3d printer for Christmas and made me a planter :)

new rec room video soon i promise