11 days ago

Here is a redesign of Green Boy, more accurate to what we have of an official design of him.



Next up

Freddy and Friends! - Stylized Friedrich's

Freddy's distant German cousin, twice removed, and his friends.

Friedhold: "What's this?"

"I can't hold you without you. "

Provided to you by FELIX'S PART TIME GIG

© #### Friedbear Records

Special credits : @Ryon the sticker maker.

Blog Post: Extended look at FRIEDRUNNER, Friedrich's FIRST MINIGAME! (and info on minigames in general)

" Don't Forget SATURDAY, Everybody needs to be in ONE PLACE. "

Provided to you by FELIX'S PART TIME GIG

© #### Friedbear Records

Special Credits to: @ryon , @Diruiz , Jim and ????

Random Soundtrack Mini-drop!

Hypothetical Felix + Bernard sticker

Abigail makes her great appearance with her weird interest as well. She will make an appearance in FNAFriedrich's 4, somewhere and somehow.

Jim, The HellSpawn, by @Diruiz

FRIEDRICH FACT: Friedrich's will have over 30 Game Jolt trophies! Collect them all and be the talk of the town!

Lil Timmy meets Lil Timmy.

I can tell that they will be good friends :)

@Diruiz - Lil Timmy (The red guy)