Here is milky again, a glass of milk with a red stripped straw.
Next up
Bruhhhhh what is this, that is the worst fake I have ever seen
I am so sorry everybody but the series is done, the world is lost, I guess it was only the 262 day Minecraft challenge. remember everybody back up your worlds, you may end up like me, a failure maybe next year I can have 365 reborn.
I finally figured out how to make spiral roofs on Minecraft builds!!!
today is day 200 of the 365 day build challenge!! we have gotten so far with this series and this is such of challenge for me, but I will finish this! day number 200 of the 365 days challenge I'm doing comment the next build I should do #365buildChallenge
♪ doofenshmirtz evil incorporated ♪ number 230 of the 365 days challenge I'm doing comment the next build I should do #365buildChallenge
I just made a new community the General Chat I just wanted to create a community were you can talk about what ever you want. https://gamejolt.com/c/GeneralChat-csb3eu
Where I went. Also here is a revamped 365 tower that I made for a canceled 365 reboot.
Alright short answer to my question: I grew up, I completely grew out of the type of community on the site.
Long answer: read the article
also you 100% dont remember me
he's a semi aquatic 4 legged mammal of action, he's also number 261 of the 365 days challenge I'm doing comment the next build I should do #365buildChallenge commented by @ElecMan_hg
Some I did like I dunno last week
minion number 261 of the 365 days challenge I'm doing comment the next build I should do #365buildChallenge commented by @Foxy-The-Pirate-Fox_