No Time - Demo
6 years ago

Here is the full changelog since the Tech Demo released :)

Tech Demo v0.1
(There is no actual history but all that was added during this period where the basics of the game on its technical level)

January 8th v0.15

-Added options
-Added credits
-Added more functions into the cars interior
-Fixes to the car controls
-Your past actions are now also being saved
-Added bullies, bandits and time specs
-Added now the danger of you spotting yourself in time so this time for real AVOID YOURSELF!
-Added traffic
-New timewarp effects
-Added the Western BBQ job for the 1880s
-Added a mechanic with a hover conversion in the 2010s
-Added a hovertrain for the 2015s
-Added Game Over
-All around more sound&visual effects
-Minor additions and fixes
-Added Sandy the Icecream trader in the 2015s
-Added a smithy with a job offer in the 1800s
-Added the Gun quest to the Athor questline
-Added Mr. Crafty and the Electromagnetic Gun
-Rewritten the first quest from Athor and added an alternate Timeline ending for this quest

January 21st v0.2

-Added reactors as Items(Fission and Fusion)
-Added Fusion Fuel Cells
-Added Dimension Case quest to the Athor questline
-Added Enhancements to the Athor questline
-Uranium batteries wont vanish after the time jump. You have to remove the empty battery manually.
-Added a modification menu for the mechanic. It only contains color customization for the car as of right now.
-You can change the distance of holding your item now via mouse wheel

February 19th v0.25

-Added dialogue for random citizen
-Remade various UI Elements
-You don´t have to look at your weapon now to shoot. Use left mouse to shoot and f to reload.
-Added the Fusion Cell Refuel Station
-Added voice samples for Npc´s
-On entering a Time Date you now see a preview of the destination date
-Some visual additions for the interior of the car
-Now you cannot add fusion cells if there is the wrong reactor or none at all
-Added random interactables (doors,chairs,misc)
-Added combat music
-Added No UI/Cinematic option F8
-Added Timescaling with F9 and Mouse Wheel
-Added Freecam with F10
-Added a smooth option to Freecam wiht F11
-Added the “Controls” option to the pause menu
-Added brake lights
-Headlight lamps now glow only when active
-Added a narrator for tutorial and random stuff

March 11th v0.26

-Shrinked the car by 30%
-Minor Bug fixes
-Remade the timestory saving method
-The boxes are now able to store a small amount of items
-Some of visual improvements to the car and time effects
-Added a block for the cheat engine…(if your using it you get ported back to the menu)
-Changed the visual looks of the car
-The car can now be damaged so be sure to repair it when needed or it goes nuclear.
-Fixed a timestory issue where in the past self does not get displayed

April 1st v0.28

-Added several sound effects for the car functions
-The setting is now on a large island as to a flat continent
-Added seasonal changes
-Expanded the town to the east
-Made Toon shading optional (Disabled by default)
-Enhanced the loading screen with a progress bar
-Changed the Depth hotkey from F12 to F7
-Added a world map into the notepad (you can see where you and your past selves are)
-Fixed a bug where you could enter hours higher then 23:59
-Changed the car sensitivity a bit
-Added turtles to beaches
-Added Coco Crabs that hunt for garbage and food
-Added the Chaser

April 15th v0.29

-Added a lunar cycle
-Remade the star sky
-Added dynamic sounds for nature
-Remade Minijobs based on taking peoples orders
-Added exclamation marks for quest and job npcs
-Fixed the minimum travel temperature to 300 degrees
-Made the car less like driving on ice
-Added smoke when hitting the brakes
-Trader UI improved
-Changed the payment notification to a bill with a ring on the right
-Revamped the world map
-Added fall damage
-Revamped the menu



Next up

So recently I added different reactors and fuel variants. While playing the story you will enhance your time machine! Most times you will use the handy Mr. Crafty! A hover conversion, new energy source, storage modules, decoration you name it!

I will post soon some of the new features along with the combat system. Rn I am working hard to push the early access version till the end of this year :) Join here to vote for the price

Did you like the new update? Share it with your friends, parents neighbours and pets!

I just implemented a new feature to customize your car theme to your likings by visiting the mechanics shop.

Here is a little preview of the world map :D

So here we are! The game should drop later any time in the next 10 hours... I hope you will have again loads of fun while playing along the story :D There may be some features you did not expect but you will see ;) Cheers -Erathor

Coming along with the new update will be cinematic tools. While not something essential, I thought it may come in handy for people who like to shoot some footage :D It will include: -A free cam(smooth movement option) -Time Scaling -Depth of field

I recently added seasons to the whole time cylce! This should add to the various settings the game can be placed in. This feature will come along with the bugfix and will be called 0.27 You can follow the game on Steam now :D I have planned to dm the GameJolt users, who bought the game prior here on Gamejolt, with a steam key for the release.

I am announcing the launch date today! More in the article...