here's a movie Amy Rose figure from the mid-credits sequence of Sonic 3. The head and hammer are made using models created by Steakosaurus, and her body is a Sonic Prime Black Rose with a dress based on the leaked concept art.
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This is kind of a custom figure, but is more like a glorified accessory, Doom's eye, made to scale to the 4 inch Shadow figure the same way Jazwares' did to the 3 inch one.
I honestly think this might be my first ever Disney related custom. I've used Disney figures as bases before, but for the end result to be Disney, this might be the first...
Here's a brand new Princess Sally figure, this one is for Ranger Ready. The base toy was a Loyal Subjects Janine Melnitz, whose vest is built into the mold and has a slightly thicker body and limbs than Tina, so she looks even more like a 90's figure.
Here's the first figure I ever made of Sticks the Badger, our favorite little conspiracy nut from Sonic Boom. She was originally a Blaze the Cat with the boots and head 3D printed from I think a fan made model.
Here's a new Tikal figure! By my commissioner's request she only uses hand sculpting on a Jazwares Amy figure, no 3D printed parts at all.
When it was on Mao Mao: The Heroes of Pureheart was my favorite show on Cartoon Network, and when it was canceled I put this half built figure aside for years until I dug it up.
Here's a statue custom, a little girl's OC named FDC. If she looks familiar that's because she was in fact inspired by SNT
It's been so long since I made a Bokkun figure I don't think this site existed back then! Anybody out there remember the weirdest minion robot from Sonic X?
Here's another Princess Sally figure! This one uses a head based on the model created by JCThornton. The body is still a modded Tina Belcher figure
Here's a Vanilla figure in old school 3 inch Jazwares scale! She's made from a Princess Peach with 3D printed parts for her head, hands, and feet
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