I used yorrichi again as reference because the lighting in his senses are just PERFECTTT
the scene I used as reference
I used yorrichi again as reference because the lighting in his senses are just PERFECTTT
the scene I used as reference
Professional chonk moment
“Oh.. please repeat that. I happen to have beeswax in my ears due to another siren case.”
ft: karambit (the least original character yet! I’m truly outdoing myself here. /s)
All my work for a certain attractive dragon man
Warm or cold colors?
"Strike a pose!"
(Themed makeup lol y'all have seen my eyes. Unless if you are new. Then feast upon my eye visually!)
If anyone asks, I'm sleeping like these dudes.
I've been meaning to draw more bunnies!
I do think everyone needs a photo of my entitled child (aka my cat) chonk
(He's skinny he just looks like a big boi)