LISA The Hopeful - Heart Squad Revamp

2 years ago

here's another fun fact about heart squad revamp

(read the article)

the way the hearts on the masks are sprited were made with the intention of making it look like they're staring directly at you, as seen from the illustration below the sprites.

another fun fact is that, if you look at ludd's legs, you can see that his (your left) leg is straight forward like biggie's, whereas his (your right) leg is bent like richie's. i just thought this would be a cool detail on top of it being a badass pose for ludd.



Next up

i've been reminiscing about this mod a lot, i guess that shows how much i'm proud of it.

anyway, here's a little joke that never made it outside of the contest server, made really early in development as you can see from the sprites.

here's another fun fact about...well, not necessarily heart squad revamp, but I did use the same project file for this

this was the unused version of the image for the Deflowering Night video

the bottom part looked empty, so I changed it

Another teaser

These are one skill from each party member

Some anims were made by @Deez337 and @FantomazBB

did a sorter!!

if you're gonna judge me for having mostly older characters, that's where Raiko comes in lol!!

this guy is now my dedicated base for shading practice

I was studying for a physics test earlier and couldn't get this stupid thing off my mind

just made this what do you guys think

what the hell I didn't know she was real

Version 1.3.0 is out!