One Night at Koop's

2 years ago

Here's Green Jerry (who's my OC), on the chair, and his jumpscare.

Yes, I self-inserted my OC in the game.

He will appear on the chair that's in the back side of the player's room.

He has 4 stages, and if he manages to move when on stage 4, he'll jumpscare you. To prevent that from happening, flash the light on him repeatedly to reverse his progress.

With this character's AI finished, all 5 characters' AIs are finished. However, I still need to do some more things before releasing the game.

This character is also the only one in this game that isn't a Mario recolor.



Next up

Here's the second and last new character: Shadow Koop.

After releasing SMW: The 4 Magic Wands, I've started working on another SMW ROM hack - Super Mario World: Adventure in Forest Land

SMWC thread for the hack: (More screenshots are available there)

Testing Game Jolt API.

You can view the trophies that will be in the game by going to the game page and switching to the Trophies tab.

Her heartbeat plays with her song.

Marionette model by @Mortuus , more to come soon


Old drawings of Shamrock Freddy and Easter Bonnie that I made a while ago.

The Custom Night menu.

Options menu has been added, and added one last trophy.

lighting tests (from when the head wasnt finished btw)

I know I'm late for the FNaS 10th anniversary, but here are some wallpapers of the official games (1-5, as well as 4 HE and MM) that I made with the game files.