7 months ago

Here's some small sketches I did with a pen. I'm indesicive so I can't give these two any names I can agree with.

#Dinosaurs #Art #OC #Oc #Drawing #Sketch #LifeGoesOninOninOni



Next up

Hallow again~! His face is very smoochable, I need a new drawing addiction

(they're the same person, he's just a skinwalker who can morph and disfigure himself)

This feeling... it's almost like a.... a Sansational Illness....

The lighting in this sketch is bloody horrible

It's spoopy sans (was supposed to post this on halloween. but I'm about six days too late)

Necrosis and Autolysis drawing! Yeah, they're just being bros and hanging out...

UPDATE: I'll be taking a long-ass, EXTREMELY long break for a while. So here's a small Autolysis sketch I drew months ago and took a low quality picture of in the fuckin' dark.

Gallus! The Texan Spirit who's hunger is never satiated. He eats everything. Yeah.

Fjetar. (Fee-Et-Ar) The Blanket Boogie-Man whom Roams the Lands of Iceland and Greenland. I'm making my own mythology out of complete and utter boredom since I do literally nothing with my life, lolol. I gave him blankies cause he cold

More Necrosis art! With COLOR! I didn't know what color I wanted his clothes to be, so I just chose what I thought looked DECENT at best. Yeah, he'll be fucking AWESOME

HERE WE GO! Necrosis and Poten Acclimate! The Second Evo Void God, and the Corrupted Angel/Spirit! Their designs are fucking AWESOME. I couldn't finish Poten's design completely as of yet, cause his dino legs are DRIVING ME FUCKING INSANE

More sketches of some other OC's I did back when I showed a shit ton of sketches. The Void Serpent, and The Void Slug. I was kinda lazy when I redrew them, my fault. These guys in my comic will be side characters, but they'll play their part soon.

Mr Psychosis. The one behind the shadows. yay :3