2 years ago

Here's Some Stuff about me In The Article Early

Irl Stuff About me

1. Is Picky

2. Is Addicted To RP

3. Loves DeviantArt Sometimes kinda Pinterest

4. Favorite Food Fries Barbeque Chips

5. Favorite Drink Pepsi Water Sometimes

6. Im Shy Sometimes

7. I Get Scared Easily

8. Interested in Partypooper OCs

9. Favorite Color Dark Blue Light Blue Light Grey

10. Most Of My Posts Come From Pinterest

11. I have Anger Issues

12. If I had a superpower It Would Be Useful

13. Grammar Isn't That Well

14 . Im a Male

15. Im a Introvert

16. Favorite Temperature Cold

17. Doesnt Like Too Offend People

18. Favorite Pet Dogs Cats

19. Im Impatient Btw

1 comment


Next up

Ummmm Well y'all do be askin what's under a Partypoopers mask soooooooo

... This Seems So accurate of What Uzi Would Say

Dude be jammin fr

That One Partypooper knowing many people are gonna choose escaping the backrooms

Waittt? What The Fu-

What do you expect I believe in my own kind *crying*

Cool OC's I Found

What's really behind the mask