The owners
Nova (me) - owner,director and artist
Zonilfyer - co director,artist and charter
wjindi - co director and composer
nathanlambert_06881 - co director
The dev team
Kycrimbo - artist
Realjgermain - artist and animator
Gamble lord - artist
Frez_y - artist
Sandman (man of lotsa trades - artist,composer and voice actor
Blasterdown - artist
Gamerboi99 - artist and animator
Toxic_MC - artist
Maximum - animator
Comedicmouse - composer
Conic - composer
Strauss - composer,charter,coder and voice actor
Jamaldev - composer
Dogking874 - composer and chromatic scale maker
Try - composer
Shawn_dev - composer
Havoc - charter
Xotinet - charter
Finn - charter
B.A.A.P - charter
Shanonyo - charter
Random - charter
Raylo - charter
Tema - coder,source coder
Iceyboi666 - voice actor
Fritzyboi - voice actor
Spiderpig2099 - voice actor