7 months ago

Here's the phone guy script for night 1 *leak*

(25 likes for Phone Guy script night 2!)

Um, hello? Is this thing on? *Clears Throat* Oh! Hello! Welcome to your new job at Graham's Pasta Palace! Now, things might look bad, and honestly, I agree. But, you don't gotta worry too much, okay? Listen, *Sighs* Mr. Bellamn installed some kind of software onto our animatronic mascots, and, they move around at night... Although, most are down for repair in Parts & Service, and there are only about 2 Animatronics online at the moment. So, I am the engineer for this company, and I programmed these robots, so, there are ways to stop them from getting to your office. Andy, who should be standing on the left side of the Stage, and he'll try to go to the Backstage control room on Cam 13. He'll try to shut off oxygen, and that's not good, obviously. Just spray some mist on him, you should see a button that says "MIST" on your monitor, just press it and he'll go away. And Becky, who shows up on Cam 7 in the Kids Cove. She'll come through the vent above you. while she is in the vents, there are certain things that can be turned off to stop your oxygen flow and might stop cool air coming through the vents. So, to stop her from doing that, just close the corresponding fan with the grates that stop animatronics in the vent from touching anything. And, I think that should be all! See you tomorrow! *Hangs up*



Next up

This is what no self control looks likeโ€ฆ XDD


Hailstones in Manchester!!

Ended up pouring out the ice cream cuz I didnโ€™t want the cookie bit ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

This is 4:43PM in Manchester ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Pan aรบ cookie ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Bro, what did this straw ever do to me? XDD

DOWGIEEEEE 3!!!! (His name is Bean XDD)

IM SO EXCITED!!!! I hope my parents get me an Apple Pencil :sob:

*pets aggressively*