Five Nights at Sonic’s The future 2.0 {HELP WANTED}

3 months ago

Here’s what’s going on

Soon I’m placing 6nsam/ 6th nightshift’s at mickey’s on indefinite hiatus for time being due to lack of helpers

I’ll be doing a new game called

Five nights at Sonic’s the future 2.0


I’m thinking about these types of characters ever since I made my own au of five nights at sonic 4 security breach

the clones of the new game are NOT glamrocks

They may be looks like glamrock because of how same of the character is in the security breach but it’s not really

Here’s help wanted users for the new game

Voice actors:

Clone sonic - @Noahthespeedvolt_1997

Clone Mario - @NightmareSonicFan2007 /myself

Clone yoshi - @Blinkytoy

Clone tails - @PlushAleenathefox

15 golden sonic - open

Clone mighty - open

Clone ray -open

Clone Luigi/luigi the phone guy - open

Clone Amy - open

Clone vector- open

Clone toad - @Blinkytoy

Clone John the Godzilla - open

Shadow sonic - open

Knuckles the echidna - open


Main artist - @NightmareSonicFan2007 (if I can give it go)

Secondary artist - sincerely needed!

Story writer - open

Director/coder - open

Music user - open



Next up

Happy super mar10 day!



My favorite power up is the Mario with bunny ears

Glamrock Freddy but blockbear edition

Happy 10th Anniversary, Five Nights at Sonic's 🥳 🎉

FNaS means so much for other people despite it's quality, I feel like it should be treated with celebration just like the other parody games. This is a repost for other communities #FanArtFriday

Here’s my new intro and outro video including the mickeys hotdogs restaurant intro too

Here’s the link to my YouTube video too

Happy 10 years of Five Nights at Sonic’s

Help wanted for both of my games for the final time!

Clone Channel art for February 2025, featuring Super Clone Sonic! (& Happy 10th Anniversary to FNaS!!!!)