3 years ago

heres a DnD race i came up with: homo, homo are human like but are small like dwarves, but homo are more closely related to humans, evolutionary they branch off from smaller monkes then humans the monkes in question were very related to the monkes humans

sorry i got cut off cuz of the length but the monkes in question were very related to the monkes humans came from, the size of a fully grown homo is about the size of a human toddler, the homos have advanteges over humans too, they can move faster, they can make cave shelters more easly than humans, can fit in smaller spaces, and also are more resistant to plauge. the disadventages are that they will age more quickly when revived and it quickens the more and more they are revived, deadskins are related to homo and are accully the same race just geneticly different, first they will forever be cursed with youth usage and never being able to become immortal. and most homo across the multiverse know about the time and space hopping deadskin and mortal god named Lucas Owl.



Next up


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this is for those who keep breaking the rules

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