Hey adventure gamers and game-devs. Do you have a few seconds to answer a couple of quick questions for me? Pretty please! 🥰 https://lucidadventuregame.com/dev/pre-launch-demo-poll/
Next up
Lucy Dreaming is a #retro #pixelart point and click adventure on Kickstarter RIGHT NOW! 😊
Only 4 days left: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hardwidge/lucy-dreaming-a-p…
We're on the home stretch people!
Only 48 hours to go, please pledge, share, tweet, like and scream at passers-by to help us end our campaign in style! 😁
Our new point and click adventure game only has 9 HOURS LEFT on Kickstarter! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hardwidge/lucy-dreaming-a-p… #pixelart #pointandclick #adventure #comedy #humour #retro
Please vote for our game in the Game Development World Championships this week. thegdwc.com 🙏
No need to register.
Just scroll down and click "Vote"!
Come on, let's show them how much the world still loves point & click adventures! ❤️
Lucy Dreaming only has 58 hours left on Kickstarter!! 😲
We're confident there are enough potential backers out there to help us smash our stretch goals. Can you help us find them? 🙏
A time lapse of creating one of the scenes from our new point and click adventure game “Lucy Dreaming” in Photoshop CS6.
Roughly 3 hours in total.
Our #pixelart point & click adventure game Lucy Dreaming only has a few days left on Kickstarter. Can you help us reach our voice over stretch goal? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hardwidge/lucy-dreaming-a-p… #retro #adventure #adventuregames #pointandclick #indiegamedev #indiedev
The demo for Lucy Dreaming contains an Easter egg that unlocks the chance to win a once-in-a-lifetime chance to appear as a pixel-art character in the full game.
Our debut point & click adventure has less than two weeks left on Kickstarter! 😬
I've added a new entry into my devlog about making a start to the game design and development process in case anyone's interested in reading it :) https://lucidadventuregame.com/dev/making-a-start/
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