Dead Containment's next update, which includes the second level, has been delayed until later in the summer. This delay is due to an engine upgrade to Unreal 4.25, which has caused a lot of multiplayer issues, requiring a rewrite of the multiplayer code. I'll be using this rewrite as an opportunity to optimise the multiplayer further and fix some known bugs. Currently the rewrites have already shown that players with a 400ms ping had no stuttering or desync in player movement, minimal delay on weapon & zombie animations & every shot fired from the client hit on the server correctly. This should massively improve online gameplay once the rewrite is complete. The second reason for the delay is so I can work on the second level and include some new features which I planned to add at a later date, such as dynamic events, multiple paths, level sequencing, enemy starting animations and new enemy variations. The first level will also be getting a minor update to include some of these new features.
The good news to this is once the multiplayer has been rewritten and the features mentioned above have been added, it will be a lot quicker to release future updates as the game will have a solid foundation to work off and require less work on the back end side of things, meaning more time can go into creating levels.
I don't have a new release date for the update but I am putting most of my free time into Dead Containment to bring something fun and enjoyable and hopefully make the wait worthwhile.