While the team has been away, we've been busy, trust me. Specifically @Frisk_Skye and @Showbizdom22 , believe it or not, brainstorming is a lot harder then it looks. But we've decided to split development, we're making two games, since The Fields Of Hell is going to take a long time before finished, @Showbizdom22 has taken initiative to make a separate game, the team has split into two separate work groups, @Frisk_Skye leading TFOH and @Showbizdom22 leading a team to make a FNAF fan game! He's creating, FNAF the Re-Run, Frisk made a video promoting this, the video didn't perform well on YouTube, but it was meant for GameJolt audiences anyways , https://youtu.be/K42hQvXR7nY?si=rkqChTFN-YF93dAy The game will be a FNAF 2 remake!!! It's gonna be sick!!!
Regarding the members of the team, @Frisk_Skye , @Showbizdom22 and @LittleBlueGamer , we've also recruited more members of the team whilst away!!! Here's a list in order of them joining! @aidanda_kindone , @Jess-Studios , and @Bacidy ! NOW, if your extremely OG, you'll recognize bacidy for designing a monster way back when TFOH was being announced!!!
Well, your probably wandering, who's working on each game? Well, for the crew working on TFOH, in charge is @Frisk_Skye , with @LittleBlueGamer and @Bacidy working on it. For The Re-Run, in charge is @Showbizdom22 , with @Jess-Studios designing models and more. For @aidanda_kindone , it's presumed he's supposed to be with TFOH team, but depending on what he wants to do decides that.