6 months ago

Hey Eons Community, I've made a change to the Agonia story.
[Read Article]

The story is going through writing again! The new parter is called Paranoia if I hadn't announced that yet.

Agonia has been renamed to Ezeraph.

And the story name "Agonia's Aftermath" has been renamed to "Ezeraph's Enigmatic Resurgence" to suit the name change.

Hope y'all like the part when it comes out!

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I love my Unova team


New lineart concept for Charles since I DID say the last one was scrapped. Well fuess what buckaroos, I fulfilled it.

Just wanted to remind you, my follower base that I am more active on my Discord server, so of you want the chance to meet me personally or meet some fellow artists, musicians, and other people that are all about over professions, drop on by!

Birthday gift for someone special

Doodle dump for y'all! Eat up!

Currently published for Jenna's sections on Eons: Dawning. Check it out on Wattpad if you'd like!


Scrapped concept for a Charles redesign, I'm gonna make a better pose for him so I can show him off more, as well as give him a better outfit overall