21 days ago

Hey Everyone! Just Wanted to make this post this wishing the March 2023 Fnak Vectors a happy two years!

Fun Fact: One of the characters in this image is striking a pose that is a reference to something, first to comment what it is gets a million dedededollars.

Credit To @BubbledDEV (Obviously) for making Fnak and these vectors!

All songs heard in the background come from the game Pizza Tower, with songs composed by Mr. Sauceman and ClascyJitto.

As well, the vectors are inspired by the awesome re-imagined vectors by @mac_n_cheeseiscool . Seriously, your vectors rule!

And lastly, the Kirby series, character, and IP are all property of Nintendo and HALKEN

Original Project:


My Project:




Next up

Hey everyone, happy monday, and HAPPY MARIO DAY!

Hey Everyone!

This is different from what I usually post, but I want to a post about Tom Coverly.

(Info In Article)

March 18th.

Meet the purple partygoer, Posega!


It's the Day That Krabs Fries! It's Also Pi day, on a Friday, isn't that neat. Also, new vid's out!

why did she do this i hate her!

Hey Everyone, Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Hey Everyone!

It's been a little while, but I've finally have gotten back to working on that Fnak related thing! I promise details about it will be coming soon!

believe it or not, i'm not dead. the game won't be ready for a good while but i've been picking up the pace.

it'll still be quite a while, but after 2 years the end is finally in sight. fo sho releasing this year

Hey Everyone!

So remember how I said I'm got to play Dandy's World with BleamXD? Well, I finally got around to finish editing that video! It should be up in like an hour or so.