Long story short, I used a lot of external plugins, which I don't have half the knowledge to alter for MAC use. I guess I just assumed they would all be MAC comaptible, however, my MAC playtester @BonniesLife discovered upon booting up the game, that it crashed upon booting. I mean, he could look at the menu, but once he hit start game, it stopped working.
I know for a fact it doesn't do this on Windows, so my best guess is that something is in-compatible somewhere, I believe it is likely the "persistant save data" plugin, seams like every bug is somehow related to that XD. But, storing data outside of saves is kind of important for an Undertale fan game (as in absolutely essential) so it's something that can't really be removed.
At this point, figuring out the problem, and fixing it, if that's even possible, would likely take far more time and effort than it's worth, so I apologize to all those without windows who were looking forward to the game. (which could be nobody for all I know)
However, note to the MAC community, I do plan on releasing for both PC and MAC whenever possible, so keep an eye out for future games (mostly original, I have a few ideas already in the works) to be released on both platforms!