World of Wonders: Redone
1 month ago

Hey everyone!!

This is the first of the many times where i will be talking about changes that are in World Of Wonders: Redone. Which i will be calling:

Wonderia Focus!

Todays focus: The status effect, Poison!!


Poison in RPG Maker Games are either the exact same as it is in the Base database or overhauled to be different.

Well... is the latter in World of Wonders Redone!!

In WOW RD (World of Wonders: Redone)

Poison does not deal damage equal to 10% of the victim's Max HP.

It has been lowered to be damage equal to 2.5% the victim's Max HP.

But wait... There's more!!

Poison will now also make MP skills cost 25% more.

Poison will also lower the evasion rate by 15% (Both Physical and Magical evasions)

Poison will also lower crit evasion rate by 10%

Now thats gonna make poison alot more frustrating to deal with... if it wasnt for one big change i have not mentioned yet.

Poison will only last for 3-9 turns in battle and will be removed once battle is over.

This is to make Poison not annoying and not frustrating to the point of making someone rage quit.

Antidotes are still worth buying even with these changes to poison since a 25% more MP can make expensive skills near impossible to cast. And 2.5% damage is still a bit of health lost per turn.

Hope you have a wonderfull day everyone. And hope to see you with another Wonderia Focus soon (maybe even later today as a matter of fact)



Next up

What lies ahead might eat your life away.

More to be revealed.

An broadcast is on its way. Both to the past. And the future.

December 15th

Now thats what i call HACKING.

(Note: This took like an hour to make. And the way i made it lets me make more of these sections so expect lots of these at later dungeon)

Also. It says Arthur Build, @ninesoulssea got a build of the game becuss hes a VA.

3 goofy balls.

1: Basic

2: Sir Dingus (I have no idea from where he is. So I thought that he was from the Rift. Well he's actually made by @Theguestcreator . Sorry my bad for mistaking that)

3: Orho (Reborn design)

Saw the template. And made this.

Read the article for context

I think its time for me to return.

News for my RPG Maker MV game: World of Wonder: Chronicles.

I have added some Yanfly plugins.

Which for some reason. Makes battles slow but alot better.

So this will change some battles visually and make some fights more fun.

Am i the puppet? or am i the puppeteer...

More to be revealed...

The longer something stays. The closer till it breaks.

Read the article for info...