LIBERATED • Play Free Trial

5 years ago

Hey everyone, this one is a longer and slightly different post. :)

Tomorrow is a big day for us. Liberated is finally coming out on PC!

We've been here together for a few months now, joking and talking about the game. We'd like to thank you for staying with us for all this time. ❤️ You are all an amazing community!

Liberated has been in the making for several years now. It started with the idea of a "better" digital comic. Like most folks, we slowly stopped buying paper comics and tried to replace them with digital ones — the cost and convenience was unmatched, but it really wasn't the same.

So if we can't replace paper comics, maybe we can improve digital comics? We researched what makes comic books tick, if not the paper—then what is the *essence* of a comic book, and why are they so damn nice to read?

Spoiler alert: it's the way our eyes move across the pages and focus on details, the way the texture of paper becomes part of the art, even the way you start with a beautiful cover before you dive in.

So the first thing we did was simulate all those little details, and then we added layers upon layers to it without ever compromising that essence.

Then came the world and story, and it's obviously very personal. Somebody once called Liberated a "collection headlines from around the world". We—as in, the human race—are in weird place right now and who knows where we're headed. We decided to tell a story that's grounded in this reality, shocking and unbelievable at times, but hardly science-fiction. That's the point.

So we've been chopping away at this strange experiment of ours, we've learned so many lessons, made a ton of mistakes, scrapped things, started over, and in the end we're so incredibly proud of every single step and person that was there along the way.

It's tough to say everything in one post and not get too mushy about it, but just, man, thank you all for everything.

Tomorrow is a big day, and we can't wait for what comes next! 



Next up

Patch 1.2 has landed on the Switch! We've listened to what you've been saying and we made all kinds of fixes. Like...

In the far, far future's future...

You can't go wrong with going right. 🤔

New Dev Comic, you can still smell the ink!

What're y'all up to this fine fine Friday?

The power of color.

We took one of the scenes in Liberated and color-corrected it after the greatest cyberpunk comics / movies.

Hey villagers! Made you this snazzy Animal Crossing T-Shirt, hope it's comfy 🥰

Just Scan the QR with your Switch Online phone app, then switch to your Nook Phone, and... ta-daa!

Yo what if this was real

Psst, hey kid! Wanna trade some Steam Cards?

They're available now! Craft badges, backgrounds, and emojis, make hundreds of cents on the market, have fun in and outside of the game <3

Liberated is going to Comic-Con (at home)!

This Saturday, on the internet: a thrilling talk about digital comics and comic book games – what's the deal, and is it enough?

You can sign up and get notified too!

Heyo, our first 30% OFF on the eShop!


This is ONLY if you haven't played yet, you cannot buy Liberated twice, I'm so sorry 😢

