World of Wonders: Redone
1 month ago

Hey everyone!!

Wellcom to the 3rd Wonderia Focus!!

Todays Focus: The replacement for Alter Cave,

The Battle Cave!

In the same location where Alter Inn and Cave would normally be found, a new cave has taken its place.

Its the Battle Cave.

Coming in the next major update.

But what is the Battle Cave.

Lets dive into that now!

Battle Cave Basics


This is a battle portal. It takes you to battles that are known as Battle Trials.

These battle trials can have two scoring systems (known as Score Types).

KOs and Speed Win.

KO score type battle trials are in red battle portals and the latter are in yellow.

KO score type

In this scoring type.

Enemies are unkillable, so you might be wondering why is it call the KO score type,



If the enemy reaches 0 HP they will just be fully healed with a stat grow to boost thier stats.

This is to prevent battles from last endlessly in this score type.

Each KO will make the enemy have...

100 More HP and MP,

And gain 3 points in ATK, DEF, MAT, MDF, AGI and, LUK.

Each "KO" will reward the play with one point.

But before we get to what points even do. Lets talk shortly about the Quick Win score type.

Quick Win score type


Theres the yellow Battle Portal.

I dont need to go to much in to this one as is simple and almost self-explanatory.

The faster you take out the enemies in the trail the more points you will have.


Points are used to...


Lower these spikes block the path deeper into the Battle Cave.

These spikes will ask you to get a certain amount of points (or higher) to be able to get past them.

And theses spikes may be blocking Shard Cores so keep an eye out for those.

Spoiler Warning for those who havent beaten the first part of the current release!


Like Alter cave, you can find past bosses and rematch them.

All of them will be in the KO score type.

Spoiler warning for those who havent beaten the original World of Wonders!

What about Alter Cavern

That will still be accessable but it will have a new place to call home.

And thats all for today's Wonderia Focus.

Have a wonderfull day everyone!!



Next up

Now thats what i call HACKING.

(Note: This took like an hour to make. And the way i made it lets me make more of these sections so expect lots of these at later dungeon)

Also. It says Arthur Build, @ninesoulssea got a build of the game becuss hes a VA.

What lies ahead might eat your life away.

More to be revealed.

Read the article for context

3 goofy balls.

1: Basic

2: Sir Dingus (I have no idea from where he is. So I thought that he was from the Rift. Well he's actually made by @Theguestcreator . Sorry my bad for mistaking that)

3: Orho (Reborn design)

I think its time for me to return.

News for my RPG Maker MV game: World of Wonder: Chronicles.

I have added some Yanfly plugins.

Which for some reason. Makes battles slow but alot better.

So this will change some battles visually and make some fights more fun.

Saw the template. And made this.

Am i the puppet? or am i the puppeteer...

More to be revealed...

The longer something stays. The closer till it breaks.

Read the article for info...

An broadcast is on its way. Both to the past. And the future.

December 15th