For those who don't know, I used to be as AlextheGamer64ytx, but I deleted both my Scratch and Gamejolt accounts. This is post is going to basically answer three major questions about what happened in a QnA styled format.
Q: Who even are you?
A: I joined Scratch and Gamejolt in spring of 2021, and I went by the username "AlextheGamer64ytx", those accounts are now deleted. I did make a new Gamejolt account in January of 2024, but I lost the password that account... so... yeah. But I'm back now! And I'm (hopefully) staying this time!
Q: Why did you leave Scratch and Gamejolt?
A: I left due to them interfering with my personal life, specifically Gamejolt. Constantly posting and liking posts all day and night long just to get stickers and what not was not good for me, now, don't get me wrong, I really like how Gamejolt is becoming more friendly with the addition of things such as quests, to me, it's pretty much Twitter/X but not as violent, lol. But, I took quests WAY too seriously, to the point where I had to just stop completely. Thankfully, I've gotten better with limiting myself how much time I spend online, I will still do quests, but not to the extreme level I did before.
Q: What are you going to do now?
A: I planning being a lot easier on myself with what I post. I have a big thing I'm working on that I hope to announce soon. Other than that, I'm going to try expanding and experimenting what I'm interested, that way, what I post doesn't feel bland.
And, yeah, that's pretty much everything. Feel free to ask me any questions if you want to learn more. I'll (hopefully) see you all soon!