3 years ago

Hey guys here's the Fan made song of Sarvente called "Angeliue" such a relaxing music i hear every day... Almost every day.. here's the link of what I am talking about:


Angelius pero es Sarvente vs Ruv | Friday Night Funkin
Al parecer si existen los FanCovers xD(Leer descripción para ver los créditos)Ábreme!Creador/a de la FanSong de Angelius: Canal: @Roller Lhite Canción: https...



Next up

Finally finished with @Kitsunechild as the beta character P3..... But I need one more.... Can someone help me plz 🙏

Someone is using my old name onto theirs..... I don't understand why he/she got this?

https://youtu.be/CW-EJaesf0g here's the song list of Just dance Wii 2...

Pixel stuff

I couldn't think of another girl to pick so I just chose girlfriend as the beta character P2.... So ya

Friday Night Funkin'.

The selection is complete ✅💯

Anyone want to be P2 ... Cuz I need a complete this in order to post it..... Help me ;-;

I'm so upset right now (well sad) because @ExavaCloud and @_a_Dumb_Artist_ hates me now......