first off
im updating the crewmembers logo

it looks nice doesnt it
next off is that
gameplay is basically almost done (not sure if i already said that)
i just need to finish a few things before i work on night 6
like the power off thing for example
because i cant just work on it this early already
next off is that
minigames are back

i didnt even think this would happen again after that dumbass minigame from demo v.0.2 but eh whatever
next off
im gonna be remaking music
man i hate my desicions
next off
ima release this old office version of the game soon

just so all of you can enjoy what was supposed to be the full game i guess
think of it as a demo v.0.3 i guess
but not really since its just old content thats never gonna be used again
i still have that old office, just in a seperate mfa
last thing
there are now afternights

after nights are like minigames, they give out lore and stuff
but they're also like cutscenes
you'll see what i mean when it comes out.
i think this is a good time to end it here
what i mean by last text devlog is that i wanna make devlogs as videos now
because im tired of typing
so subscribe to my channel for crewmate world devlogs
and happy fnaf movie day