5 days ago

Hey guys, I think you know that I love debunking stories whether it’s real life or a game story or a fictional one with some questions needing answered so if you wanna see MY debunking on the shin sonic story read the article #ShinSonic #Sonic #Debunking

So here’s my honest debunking on what I think happened, before shin sonic, how it happened, where it occurred, and some different endings.

So if you don’t know, shin sonic is a demon sonic set on killing the whole world. Here’s what I think happened and how it explains where real sonic is.

So from the policeman’s body camera footage we saw a statue of moloch, a demon from Hebrew mythology, it’s in the forest. So my guess is since Sonic loves exploring he was exploring one day then it turned into night So he couldn’t see very well. Due to the lack of vision he’s running at the speed of sound and accidentally rams face first into this moloch statue. The blood from Sonic came onto the statue and re-awakened moloch. It lead to Sonic being ultimately turned into his puppet and becoming shin sonic which is what moloch would call this new Sonic. Cause in some other language Shin means new or god. So with this “new” Sonic he sends it out on its own but not before giving it a lunch box. Now the reason it’s misspelled is either that moloch is bad at spelling because he’s a 10,000 year old demon who’s been asleep for 9,999 years and was awoken by Sonic’s blood so he doesn’t know how to spell, or the creator of the series, evanimas, is just bad at spelling. Let’s imagine shin sonic as like a computer, it needs code to know what the fuck to do, so moloch killed a flicky and used magic which is the “code” and put it in his lunch box. Shin sonic goes for days without food and is on the verge of death (that’s why he’s so skinny in the first tape) so he eats it and gets the “code” uploaded which sets him off eating all animals he can. Now as to why eggman was kind in this series is that when Sonic went missing my head cannon is that eggman went “Oh no, Sonic’s gone, what the fuck do I do with my life?” Which leads him to stop using animals as a living battery, and use his inventions to help disabled animals. Now as for the evidence that this is sonic possessed is actually evidence I caught onto through a different video. In the tape “Dreadful vision” this guy managed to pause it at the right time to find a frame with the words “help us” in the corner in the colors yellow and blue, blue meaning Sonic was shinified and yellow meaning tails due to the tape “TWO TAILED FOX” where we see tails get shinified. So they’re in this hive mind/prison where they watch from shin Sonic’s POV and had the chance to reach out for help. Now as for the ending,

I see 3 possible endings.

Knuckles finds all the super emeralds and goes hyper and we see a badass fight between knuckles and shin sonic and knuckles wins, which is the good ending,

The bad ending is where knuckles is defeated and shin sonic achieves his goal and makes the planet into hell,

And hyper dark sonic ending where shin sonic gets all the super emeralds too and defeats knuckles, but sonic upon seeing this loses his shit and goes dark sonic, but since the hyper emeralds were there he’s now hyper sonic but as dark sonic where he breaks free from shin sonic and kills the absolute shit out of shin and frees the planet and goes overkill just beating on the dead body, yet still happy ending, kinda, I only see this ending happening if evanimas wanted a happy ending but not in the way that would be typical. Where the hero’s defeated and another hero rises to take the role.

Anyways that’s all! Bye!



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My fucking puzzle 💔

Zero and Fifteen from katana zero ABSOLUTELY WOULD WRECK bf.exe.

Take that @zalgobfexefnfgirlfriend

Wow! We’re gaining more followers every day! At this point we’ll be famous before we know it!

watch my katana zero gameplay because why the fuck not?

Here’s the notes for the FNF mod @CreeperKG

What should I name this little guy?


“Homeschool isn’t hard”

The type of stuff they make me do a weeks worth of in one day:

I keep sucking at drawing it so you’re gonna have too. But here’s your old drawing to use as reference. The shoes would be black with white soles and the torso would be blue instead of green. And hair would be brown. @CreeperKG

Pls no hate

Trying to debunk why @zalgobfexefnfgirlfriend hates gf from fnf so much