4 years ago

Hey guys, If you like to join our community then here is the link to NCS fan club, (Also go get his merchandise, link will be in the community) https://gamejolt.com/c/DIBK397-e2rimz

Cant wait to see you guys there!, Have a good day and support our community plz!!

NCS Spotify link and his YouTube channel are in the community, go sub to his channel, if you did then great! and also share the link to your friends and your community

Read the rules first before you go, here are the rules

  • Do not post Any NSFW or your getting a warning, if you continue you'll get banned from our community

  • Please do not use swear words in our community or horas ppl to, if you use swear words you will have a warning

  • Hope you have a good time in our community!, plz be kind to other ppl, Maybe you'll have a chance to be the mod (If you're the mod, do not change anything if you have permissions to change it up)

    We only have 8 members, can we reach our goal! the goal is to get to 20 members and have 150 followers for @Galaxy_Wolf30!, Have a good day yall!! :)



Next up


Y'all fuckin suck, Since TikTok's ban will be held back 8.85 more months (9 in total months) I won't do an edit

This is what I've been doing so far...

Like I said, I will be deciding if I should Leave Gamejolt or Not.

Does he message everyone?

What the hell did I find?

Damn, Wish I had these guys 😭

Another edit before [Unknown]



Again with chat controls