4 years ago

hey, guys, im working on a mini fazbear fight like fan book series called fanbear fights the first book will be called Afterhours


list of helpers needed

.cover artist

.graphic edition artist

Spanish edition

Hola, chicos, estoy trabajando en una pelea mini fazbear como fan book series llamada fanbear fights el primer libro se llamará Afterhours


lista de ayudantes necesarios

.cover artista

Artista de la edición .graphic



Next up

hay guys, I was just playing around with google maps and I found this crater looking thing in the middle of an area that's not inhabited

hmmmmm this has never happened to me before I thought it was the internet at first but everything else on gamejolt is working just fine

spot the differences


past the door and to the left...

Rat Race Production Update

Proggress report soon

One more follower and something weird will happen.

is it weird I feel like endo plush should be in fnaf ar as either a character or a skin because plush trap is here